Salonik saffron tea is very beneficial.
Saffron is proved as one of the best antidepressant, adding salonik saffron tea daily to the diet can help in treating depression.
Salonik saffron helps boosts memory and learning power. Salonik saffron is a powerful antioxidant.
Taking Salonik saffron tea regularly will keep your blood pressure in check and it is very good for your heart.
Salonik saffron tea is good for weight management and reducing that extra kilos when taken on daily basis.
Salonik Saffron Tea Recipe
- Salonik saffron – few strands
- Honey – 1 teaspoon
- Mint – 5 leaves
- Lemon – 1 slice
- Water -200 ml
In a bowl, boil water for few minutes.
Add mint leaves and saffron strands to the boiling water, let it steep for about 5 minutes.
Add few drops of lemon juice and a spoon of honey for sweetness.
Serve it hot or refrigerate for few hours and saffron ice tea is ready.
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